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Social Science


Department Chair
Jenne Dehmlow

Administrative Assistant
Jenny Economos


Michael Biondo
US History

Briquelle Collier
World Cultures, AP African Studies, 

Joseph Connolly
US History, Civics & Government

Jenne Dehmlow

Julie Dickinson
US History, Civics & Government

Kathleen Durkin
Law in American Society, Sociology, US History 

Trevor Fritz
AP Psychology

Clare Gartland
World Cultures, US History

Kevin Hansen
International Relations, US History, Intro to Psychology

Natalie Hohman
AP Psychology, Intro to Psychology

Katie Kaye
AP US History, AP US Government & Politics

Donald Kura
AP World History, Modern Economics, World Cultures

Donald McArthur-Self
AP US  History, AP World History – Modern

Leah Politi
American Government: We the People, US History, AP Psychology 

Ben Reiff
World Cultures, US History Bridging and Developing

Rachel Santucci
AP Macro/Micro Economics, AP Psychology

RJ Schlesinger
Civics & Government, World Cultures

Sherri Scorza
AP US Government & Politics, US History

Megan Smith
AP World History – Modern, World Cultures

Andy Trenkle
AP US History, US History

Greg Young
Civics & Government,Law in Ameriacan Society, Modern American After 1945

Department Information
Social Science course offerings span a wide range of disciplines, including but not limited to history, government, economics, and psychology. Throughout these, students have opportunities to learn and apply skills related to reading and research as they consider information from a variety of perspectives over time. As in many other academic departments, students can learn and earn college credit through a variety of Advanced Placement offerings. The vision of the Social Science Department at Maine South High School is to foster an understanding of the relevance of the Social Sciences and to develop respectful, informed, productive and engaged citizens.As a result of the rigorous curriculum, students will…

  • Conduct critical inquiry, research and analysis
  • Construct and communicate informed opinions
  • Practice self-evaluation
  • Understand the relevance and the applications of the Social Sciences to the world
  • Utilize a variety of methods for self-expression