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Special Education

Department Chair
Laurel Grogger

Administrative Assistant
Mary Allison Cowie

Administrative Assistant
Mary McHugh

Program Facilitator
Holly Balk

Vocational Coordinator
Michelle Dwyer




Faculty Members

Name Courses
Holly Balk Program Facilitator
Jamie Borrelli Reading, English 2, Wilson, Seminar
Molly Canace English, Independent Living, Science 1, 2, 3
Marco Colapietro Vocational Rehabilitation Assistant – Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS)
JJ Crawford Seminar, US History
Danielle Davis District Physical Therapist 
Michelle Dwyer Career Work Training (CWT), Seminar, Vocational Coordinator
Casey Fritz English 1, Independent Living, Reading (Language Live), Seminar
James Harrier Adaptive PE
Alyssa Hayden English (SEL), Independent Living (SEL), Fundamentals of Math (SEL), Science (SEL), Social Science (SEL)
Rebecca Hufnus Speech/Language Pathologist
Anne Jacobson Speech/Language Pathologist
Erin Kainrath Fundamentals of Math 1, Seminar
Jill Ladendorf  
Jeremy Lee Reading 1,2,3,4, (Language Live), Seminar, Health, World Cultures
Carrie Lombardi Biology, Reading, Seminar
Marty Murphy Fundamentals of Math 3, Math Applications, Seminar
Amy Robinson Behavior Specialist
Tessa Robinson Personality & Relationships (PAR), Fundamentals of Math 2, Seminar
Jennifer Sarashinsky Civics & Government, Current Affairs, English 3 & 4,  Seminar
Amelia Schmitt Math 1,2,3,4, Independent Living, History Western World
Colin Wehman EMC/EMP, Seminar, Earth and Environmental
Brenda Westmoreland District Occupational Therapist

Department Information
Special Education offers a full continuum of services and placements from support in the general education environment to specialized instructional courses, and/or related services. A significant goal of the Special Education Department is to assist students in becoming independent, effective self-advocates. Additionally, special education services are focused around a particular student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and the goals for that student that have been identified by the IEP team.