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Class of 2029

incoming freshmen activities night


Course Selection Event Reminder – Class of 2029

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Dear Parents/Guardians of the Maine South Class of 2029,

Happy New Year! We are a few short days away from our Course Selection and Student Panel Event and wanted to send over a few reminders to assist you that evening. 

Event Schedule by Assigned Time Slot

  • Small Group Counselor Meetings: Students and parents/guardians have been assigned specific time slots and locations for their course selection meetings to ensure a smooth process.
  • Student Panel Q&A: Each student and parent/guardian are also invited to attend a Student Panel discussion featuring current Maine South students sharing experiences and advice for incoming students.
  • Time Slot Assignments: Please follow the time slots listed in your course recommendation letter, emailed on December 19, 2024. If you did not receive the letter, contact [email protected]  or [email protected].

Birth Certificates

  • Birth Certificate (required): As part of the school enrollment process, the school must retain a copy of your child’s original birth certificate. Please bring in the original and staff will be available to make a copy. If you’ve already provided the birth certificate at a previous event, no further action is needed.

Parking & Entry Information 

Parking on campus may be limited due to the number of expected attendees. You may find designated parking in the following areas:

  • North Lot: Access via Doors 43, 53, 63, or the Auditorium Entrance
  • South Lot: Access via Door 9
  • Front Circle Drive: Access via the Main Entrance
  • Back Lot: Located behind the building

We look forward to having you + Go Hawks!

Kyleen Coia – Associate Principal for Student & Family Services  

9th Grade Kick-Off Event

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Welcome to the Class of 2029 Kick-Off Event!
Date: Thursday, December 5, 2024
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Dear Parents/Guardians of the Maine South Class of 2029,

We are thrilled to invite you and your future Hawk to the Class of 2029 Kick-Off Event! This evening is an exciting opportunity to explore everything Maine South has to offer, meet our staff and future classmates, and learn more about course options as you embark on this new journey. 

What to Expect at the Event

Parents/guardians and students will enjoy:

  • Kick-Off Presentation: Learn about the course selection process, placement, counselor meetings, and electives.
  • Explore Electives: Visit World Language, Multilingual, Career and Technical Education (CTE), and Fine Arts areas with teachers and current students.
  • Q&A with Department Chairs: Ask questions about course options and placements.
  • Guided Building Tours (Optional): Led by Hawk Pride Student Leaders.

Event Schedule by Group

To ensure a smooth experience, the Kick-Off Presentation with Maine South Administration has been divided into two groups by last name:

  • SESSION 1  6:30 – 7:00 pm  –  Students with Last Names A – L  
  • SESSION 2  7:15 – 7:45 pm  – Students with Last Names M – Z 


  • Doors open at 6:15 pm for all 
  • Tours and Electives Open House continues throughout the evening
  • Locations: Commons, Library, ARC, and various Fine Arts +  CTE classrooms

Optional Parent Sessions available outside of Assigned Session Times – (Students can continue exploring)

Multilingual Programming Advisory Room 2 8:00 pm – 8:15 pm
Special Education Presentation Alumni Room 6:40 pm – 7:10 pm 8:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Important Information

  • Parking & Entry: Parking is available in the north lot (Door 53, 63, or Auditorium Entrance), south lot (Door 9), front circle drive (Main Entrance), and café lot (behind the building). Maps and schedules will be distributed at all entry points.
  • Birth Certificates: As part of the school enrollment process, the school must retain a copy of your child’s original birth certificate. Staff will be available to make a copy. If you cannot bring it on this day, additional opportunities will be available in the spring.

Save the Date: Course Selection Meetings

We will host in-person course selection meetings with counselors on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. Stay tuned for more details.

We are looking forward to meeting the members of the Class of 2029! 

Kyleen Coia

Associate Principal for Student & Family Services 

Incoming 9th Grade Experience Timeline

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Incoming 9th Grade Experience

First Time High School Parents Tours

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RSVP For Upcoming First Time HS Parent Tours by scanning the QR code above or

by clicking here


It is with great excitement and pleasure to officially welcome you to Maine South High School! We hope you and your child are as excited to be a part of the Maine South community, as we are honored to have you join the Hawk Family. By now, we hope your child has settled into their 8th grade year and finds success in their final year of middle school. While it seems like this school year has just begun, our team at Maine South has been active in planning for your child’s transition to high school. We understand that this new beginning can be exciting and stressful at the same time.  Our hope is to provide on-going communication and events to learn more about the amazing opportunities we provide at Maine South and to work together to support a successful transition into 9th grade and beyond. 

This page will be filled important information that will help guide you and your child in navigating the incoming 9th grade transition as it relates to upcoming events for parents and students, enrollment, pre-registration, course planning and selection process, activities & athletics fair and much, much more! 


Begins Nov 4th, 2024

All families planning or considering sending their child to Maine South for the 2025-2026 school year should complete initial enrollment. This includes: 

  • 8th graders currently attending Emerson, Lincoln and/or Pennoyer
  • 8th grade students who currently attend a private school and are considering Maine South High School as an option for high school. 

The enrollment process will include gathering basic demographic and contact information through our online student management system (Infinite Campus) to ensure you get regular updates and communication from D207 and Maine South about enrollment steps and incoming 9th grade events. 

Initial enrollment is a requirement for all future District 207 students and will allow families to engage in course selection meetings in January 2024. 

Families living in the choice attendance areas should decide on their school of choice no later than mid-January to ensure course selection occurs at the school of choice. 


Incoming 9th Grade Course Selection Meetings

Evening of January 8th

Students + Parents/Guardians will be invited to an in-person small group meeting with their counselor.  This meeting will allow you to meet your counselor and select course placements for the 2025-26 school year. The same evening – we will host a student panel to hear from current Maine South student share their experiences and advise they have for incoming 9th graders! 

Birth Certificates

Incoming 9th Grade Only: An original birth certificate must be brought to the Main Office prior to July 1st for enrollment verification as required by Illinois State Board of Education. Our staff will verify the birth certificate, make a copy to retain for school records and the original will be returned to you.  The birth certificate must include the name of at least one parent. More information will be forthcoming on opportunities to bring in your birth certificate, including our Incoming Freshman Kick-Off Night on December 5th, 2024. Please hold off on bringing in your child’s birth certificate at this time until more information is shared with parents/guardians.

Health Office Requirements

All incoming freshmen are required to provide:

  1. Health examination with proof of immunizations prior to the first day of school. This must be completed by an MD, DO, APN, or PA, and documented on the Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination. A separate sports physical is not required for freshmen.
  2.  Dental examination must be completed by a licensed dentist and documented on the IDPH Dental Examination Form.