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Health Office

Health Office

Phone: 847.692.8199 

Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Monday – Friday throughout the regular school year

Mrs. Brenda Keeley, M.Ed,RN, PEL-CSN
Mrs. Allison Dietz, RN
Mrs. Colleen Duffy, Administrative Assistant

The Health Office at Maine South High School is staffed by two full-time registered nurses, Mrs. Brenda Keeley, Certified School Nurse, and Mrs. Allison Dietz, Registered Nurse.

The Health Office manages both acute and chronic illnesses as well as injuries. The nurses serve as liaisons between the medical community and the school community and are available to students, parents, and staff for counseling, education, and referrals for health-related issues and concerns.

Individual student health records, as well as any paperwork or documentation of a medical or health-related nature, are confidentially maintained in the school health office. Doctors’ notes, PE excuses, medication passes and elevator keys are also handled through the health office.


Immunization Guidelines And Updates

Meningitis Vaccine Requirement for the Class of 2026

All seniors must provide documentation of having received the meningitis vaccine prior to the first day of school.

“Any child entering the 12th grade shall show proof of having received two doses of the Meningococcal Conjugate vaccine(MCV4) prior to entering the 12th grade. The first dose received on or after the 11th birthday; second dose on or after the 16th birthday. Only one dose is required if the first dose was received at 16 years of age or older.”

Please contact your health care provider to make arrangements to be vaccinated and/or provide documentation to the Health Office. Students will be excluded from school if these requirements are not met.  

Guidelines for Health Examinations and Immunizations Records.  Student health records are required in compliance with Illinois law.

All Incoming Freshman and Transfer in Students

 All Incoming Freshman Students and Students transferring to Maine South from an Illinois high school may provide a copy of the physical exam from their former school. Students also must have immunizations completed as specified by the Illinois Department of Public Health.

Immunization History must include specific dates (month, date, and year) and include at least the minimum number of doses at the intervals noted below:

  • Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus: Requires a minimum of three doses, no less than 28 days apart.  The last dose must be given on or after the fourth birthday and be received no earlier than six months after the former dose. A booster is required every 10 years. All students entering high school must provide evidence of having received one dose of Tdap (first available in 2005).
  • Polio: Requires a minimum of three doses of the same type of polio vaccine or four doses if any combination of polio vaccine types is given. The minimum interval between doses is 28 days. The final dose must be received on or after the fourth birthday.
  • Hepatitis B: Requires a series of three doses. The first two doses must be no less than 28 days apart and the interval between the second and third doses at least 56 days. The interval between the first and third dose must be at least 4 months. Laboratory evidence of prior or current infection may be submitted for proof of immunization. A two-dose schedule using Recombivax-HB for students 11-15 is allowed if started on or after the 11th birthday and completed prior to the 16th birthday. A minimum four-month interval between the two doses is required.
  • Measles: Requires two doses, the first on or after the first birthday and the second at least 28 days later.
  • Mumps: Requires two doses, the first on or after the first birthday and the second at least 28 days later.
  • Rubella: Requires two doses, the first on or after the first birthday and the second at least 28 days later.
  • Varicella (Chickenpox): Requires two doses, the first on or after the first birthday and the second at least 28 days later. History of disease must be verified by the examiner and documented on the Certificate of Child Health Exam Form under Alternative Proof of Immunity.
  • Meningitis (Menactra, MCV4): One dose on/after the 11th birthday. 

Medical Exemption: Requires an examiner’s statement detailing the specific medical condition that prevents the child from receiving the vaccine and its projected duration. If the condition of the child later permits immunization, the requirement will have to be met.

Religious Exemption: Requires the filing of a signed statement detailing objections to a physical exam, health screenings, and/or immunizations on religious grounds. This statement must be signed by the health care provider responsible for performing the child’s health exam. The signature indicates that they have provided the parent with information about the benefits of immunization and health risks of communicable disease.  In case of infectious disease outbreak, unprotected students must be excluded from school as directed by the Illinois Department of Public Health.


When to Keep Your Child Home

School attendance is important for effective learning and academic development. Most children, unless they have a specific medical problem, should only miss a few days of school a year. It is important to notify the school nurse if your child suffers from a medical problem, particularly if it will impede his/her school performance or attendance. 

Absences should be reported to the Attendance Office

Illness/Injured at School

If a student becomes ill/injured at school, he/she would report to the Health Office with a pass from the teacher to be evaluated by the nurse. Before a student who has taken ill or becomes injured in school is sent home, the Health Office will confer with his/her parent, guardian or emergency contacts as designated by parents to arrange for his/her transportation. Parental consent is needed whether or not the student can provide his/her own transportation.



Some students with special needs or medical conditions may require the administration of medication during the school day. Medications are limited to those required during school hours and necessary for maintaining an optimal state of health for academic success. Self-administration of medications, with supervision by the school nurse, is expected at the high school level: facilitating self-reliance and student responsibility.

With the exception of EpiPens and asthma inhalers, all prescription and OTC medication is kept in the school health office. A medication request form, completed and signed by the physician and parent, must be submitted to the nurse for all medications.
Written permission for prescribed or non-prescribed (OTC) medications at school must be renewed annually.

All medication is brought to school must be in the original container appropriately labeled. Prescription medication must be provided in the pharmacy bottle/with the pharmacy label.

Flu Information

For more information about flu and the Flu vaccine, contact your healthcare provider, school nurse or visit the following website: